Building Automation/
Building Analytics

Complete autonomous control of an entire facility is the goal that any modern automation system attempts to achieve. The distributed control system - the computer networking of electronic devices designed to monitor and control the mechanical, security, fire, lighting, HVAC, and humidity control and ventilation systems in a building or across several campuses.

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With tighter operating budgets, stricter government guidelines, and increasing public awareness, energy savings and resource conservation have become top priorities in the public and private sectors. And with those priorities, Guardian Systems can design and implement a sustainable building automation solution for your commercial building.

Buildings can generate vast amounts of information. But many facility managers lack convenient ways to turn the flood of data into information they can use to prioritize and act. Guardian Systems can help solve that problem with analytics that make it easier to manage operations and achieve energy goals.

Let our security consultants help you determine the right mix of our products and solutions to provide the peace of mind you deserve.


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